For The Attention of - Holders of Physical Shares
Unit no. 9, Shiv Shakti Ind. Estt. Common and simplified norms for processing investor’s service requests by RTAs and norms for furnishing PAN, KYC details and Nomination vide SEBI circular SEBI/HO/MIRSD/MIRSD-PoD-1/P/CIR/2023/37 dated March 16, 2023.
As an on-going measure to enhance the ease of doing business for investors in the securities market, SEBI, vide Circular Nos. SEBI/HO/MIRSD/MIRSD_RTAMB/P/CIR/2021/655dated November 03, 2021 & SEBI/HO/MIRSD/MIRSD_RTAMB/P/CIR/2021/687dated December 14, 2021, had prescribed the common and simplified norms for processing investor’s service request by RTAs and norms for furnishing PAN, KYC details and Nomination, has mandated the following.
1. Furnishing of PAN, KYC details and Nomination by holders of physical securities.
2. Compulsory linking of PAN and Aadhaar by all holders of physical securities in listed companies
- The Central Board of Direct Taxes(CBDT), Vide Circular No. 7 of 2022 (Notification F.No. 370142/14/2022-TPL dated March 30, 2022 has extended the date for linking PAN with Aadhaar number to March 31, 2023.
- SEBI has issued a Press Release dated March 08, 2023 advising all investors to ensure linking of their PAN with Aadhaar number prior to March 31, 2023.
3. Freezing of Folios on or after October 01, 2023 without PAN, KYC details and Nomination.